Other Ceremonies Planned
Butte College will confer 1,219 degrees and celebrate a diverse group of 1,065 graduates at its 55th Annual Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 24, at 7:00 p.m., at Butte College's main campus, John Cowan Sports Complex, 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville. Superintendent/President Virginia Guleff will preside over the ceremony along with the Butte-Glenn Community College District Board of Trustees.
"Graduation is a momentous occasion, it’s why we do what we do," said President Guleff. "These graduates are living reminders that Butte College is a place of learning, growth, community, and connection. Congratulations to the Butte College Class of 2024!"
The ceremony will include participation from several graduates, including a student commencement speaker, a student vocalist and four students who serve as marshals. Platform marshals are Associated Students President Cole Militano, of Chico, who is earning an associate degree for transfer in political science, and student trustee Elizabeth Heaton, of Magalia, who will earn associate degrees for transfer in administration of justice and sociology. The two graduate marshals, Bilal Tanriverdi, of France, and Madison West, of Dixon, were selected for their 4.0 GPA. Faculty marshals participating are Irma Gonzalez Cuadros and Deb McCabe.
Butte's 2024 student commencement speaker is Macie Dentone of Plymouth. October has attended Butte College since the fall of 2022 and is earning two associate degrees for transfer, the first in agriculture business and the second in political science. After graduating, Dentone plans to attend Chico State to pursue a bachelor's degree in agriculture business. Beyond that lies the possibility of law school, where she plans to delve into agricultural policy.
At Butte College, she found high-quality education and a supportive environment that nurtured her curiosity and critical thinking skills. “When I first came here, all of the professors were super welcoming,” said Macie. She found herself enveloped in a community that fostered growth and belonging.
Commencement vocalist Ryan Cotton, of Palm Springs, will perform the national anthem. Cotton has attended Butte College since the fall of 2022, and today he is earning an associate degree for transfer in music. After graduating, Ryan will transfer to California State University, Northridge, to pursue a degree in music industry studies with a minor in data science.
Butte College's Class of 2024 spans a wide array of ages, ranging from 18 to 65. The College's youngest graduate, Angela Burton, 18, of Magalia, is earning an associate degree for transfer in studio arts. Butte's most mature graduate is Bonnie Joy Crocker, 65, of Chico, who earned an associate degree for transfer in English.
Our graduates came to Butte College from 131 cities and towns in California, 14 other US states and 14 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, India, Japan, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and The United Kingdom
This in-person event draws thousands of attendees, including faculty, staff, administrators, family and friends. A live stream will be available at vko29.com/stream for those who cannot attend. For more information about Butte College’s commencement ceremony, visit vko29.com/commencement.
Other Upcoming Graduation Celebrations:
Native American Student Graduation Celebration
Friday, May 17, 11:00 a.m.
Main Campus, The Nest
Cosmetology and Barbering Graduation Celebration
Friday, May 17, 1:00 p.m.
Main Campus, Campus Center
Registered Nursing Pinning Ceremony
Wednesday, May 22, 11:00 a.m.
Main Campus, Quad
Respiratory Therapy Graduation Celebration
Wednesday, May 22, 3:00 p.m.
Main Campus, Black Box Theater
Latinx Graduation Celebration
Wednesday, May 22, 6:00 p.m.
Main Campus, Quad
Advanced Manufacturing Graduation Celebration
Thursday, May 23, 11:00 a.m.
Main Campus, WM 140
Fire Academy Graduation Celebration
Thursday, May 23, 1:00 p.m.
Paradise Alliance Church
Automotive Graduation Celebration
Thursday, May 23, 5:30 p.m.
Butte College Skyway Center
Black Student Graduation Celebration
Saturday, May 25, 11:00 a.m.
Main Campus, The Nest
Welding Graduation Celebration
Friday, June 7, 1:00 p.m.
Main Campus, Campus Center
Law Enforcement Graduation Celebration
Friday, June 7, 3:00 p.m.
Paradise Alliance Church
Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
Content editor:
Christian Gutierrez